In order to attain Anima in Baaj temple, all the destruction spheres must be used in the cloister of trials to unlock the chests that contain the hidden items. Another reason to properly complete the cloister of trials is the useful items that will help you along the way. This is the continuation of the Cloister of Trials Guides, see Besaid Cloister of Trials Here.
Take the first Kilika Sphere
Insert the Kilika Sphere into the Sphere-recess in the door
Take the Kilika Sphere out, the path will open
Insert the Kilika sphere in the door in the middle of the room, a glyph will appear
Remove the Kilika sphere and insert the Kilika sphere in one of the side sphere-recess
Touch the glyph after removing the Kilika sphere, the door will open
Get the Kilika sphere from the next room
Insert the Kilika sphere in the previous room sphere-recess
Reset the pedestal by stepping on the blinking symbol on the floor
Push the pedestal into the blinking symbol and remove glyph sphere
Insert it into the sphere-recess next to the pedestal, the door will open, inside will be the Destruction Sphere to use later
Get one of the Kilika Spheres from the previous room
Insert into the sphere-recess in the next room, the pedestal will go down in flames
Get the Kilika Sphere bellow
Insert the Kilika Sphere into the door for the next room, leave it there
Get the destruction Sphere
Insert the Destruction Sphere into the Sphere-recess Bellow
Open the chest and get the Red Armlet, the requirement for Anima Aeon
Remove the Kilika Sphere on the door, a clear sound will echoe and the door will open